Professors and Heads of Information Systems1 in New Zealand (PHIS-NZ)
The principal objective of PHIS-NZ is to provide a peer network for individuals who have responsibility for administering research and education in Information Systems departments and schools in New Zealand. Other objectives are to:
- Promote Information Systems research and education in New Zealand;
- Provide an expert perspective on matters of national and international importance that impact the Information Systems academic discipline in New Zealand;
- Provide a forum for discussion and debate on issues relating to the development of Information Systems as a discipline in New Zealand universities;
- Provide a mechanism for greater collaboration between Information Systems departments and schools; and
- Support, liaise and collaborate with the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS).
Membership in PHIS-NZ includes all professors/associate professors and heads/associate heads of departments and schools who have principal responsibility for delivery of research and education in the field of Information Systems in New Zealand.
A Chair and Deputy Chair will be elected by members of PHIS-NZ, normally for a two year term.
Meetings, including an annual general meeting, will be conducted as required.
PHIS-NZ will liaise with ACPHIS, AAIS (Australasian Association for Information Systems) and other organisations as required.
Secretarial assistance for PHIS-NZ will be provided by the Chair’s institution.
1 Information Systems is considered to also include (but not be limited to) Management Information Systems, Information Management, Information Technology, Business Informatics, Information Science and Management Systems.